Another week, another culinary cozy review! (Actually, I’m kind of behind schedule for my 52 Cozy Mysteries in 52 Weeks Challenge, so it probably has been longer than a week… …

Another week, another culinary cozy review! (Actually, I’m kind of behind schedule for my 52 Cozy Mysteries in 52 Weeks Challenge, so it probably has been longer than a week… …
Culinary cozy mysteries make up a huge part of my reading so narrowing down this list to just five was darn near impossible. Seriously, this was a really tough list …
A brewpub. A female brewmaster. An ex-hockey player. Buffalo chicken pierogies. Yep. This culinary cozy has everything needed to turn me into a fan. Title: To Brew or Not to …
I wrote a food blog for many years so culinary cozy mysteries are the perfect mix of two things I love. Needless to say I jumped at the chance to …
A Murder by Any Name was an immediate pick for me. As I write more reviews, you’ll soon find out that I love historical fiction. In particular, I’ll always be …
The Pint of No Return is the second book in Ellie Alexander’s Sloan Krause Mysteries. Amongst the SLEW of culinary cozies on the market, there are only a handful that …
The Sherlockian combines two intertwining mysteries – one set in the 1800s and one in the present day. Lately I’ve been reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes-related fiction, so I …