I thought May was bad, but wow, June really went by way too quickly. Maybe because I was swamped with work – I just didn’t seem to have much time to relax and read.
I did manage to read more books in June than I did in May, so that’s an improvement. With my upcoming vacation, I’m hoping to read even more books (it’s a long plane ride)
So that brings my Reading Challenge numbers to:
- 2019 GoodReads Challenge: 22/60
- 52 cozy mysteries in 52 weeks: 8/52 read; 6/52 reviewed

I didn’t have much time to blog this month, but I did manage to get some several reviews up.
- [cover reveal] The Adventurers and the Temple of Treasure by Jemma Hatt
- [review] Forms of Things Unknown by Elizabeth Ireland [blog tour]
- [review] The Elizabeth Tudor Conspiracy by Alexandra Walsh
- [review] The Truffle Underground by Ryan Jacobs
- [review] A Lady’s Guide to Gossip and Murder by Dianne Freeman [blog tour]
- [review] The Chef’s Secret by Crystal King [blog tour]

Wow, did I add a lot of books to my collection this month! I love all these new stories but man, I really need read faster!
Well, there’s my June in a nutshell. I hope you had a lovely month – let me know which books you’ve discovered and what you’re looking forward to in June!
July is going to be a bit quieter on my blog – I’m going on vacation! I haven’t been away for nearly four years, so I’m super excited to spend a week in HAWAII! I’ll be posting photos on Instagram and maybe Twitter, but for the most part, I’m going to stay offline and just relax and try to just enjoy myself.
Thanks for stopping by!