I did great as a reader in June, but I did terrible as a blogger. I mean… TERRIBLE. I blogged ONCE during all of July *hides*. I’ve only blogged twice this month so far, but that’s already way better than June!
The worst thing is that since I managed to read so much, now my reviews are way behind. So I’ve vowed not to take on any more blog tours or request any more Netgalley ARCs until I’ve caught up on the backlog of books and reviews that I need to do.
Of course, there are other reasons that I didn’t manage to blog much. Both personal (house renovations have really ramped up) and professionally (I’ve business has never been busier!) so I don’t feel too guilty about the lack of blogging. But I do want to keep this up so fingers crossed that the rest of the year goes better!

I managed read a couple of books this past month and again, I listened to a pile of audiobooks. I’m only ONE book away from my Reading Goal of 50 books in 2020. And since this year is only half over, I’m going to increase my goal to 100 books in 2020 (I hope I don’t regret that!)
Here’s what I read in June:
And here are the books I listened to in June:
- 2020 GoodReads Challenge: 49/50
- #AToZCozy2020 Reading Challenge: 9/26 (eep, the year is half over – I’d better get moving on this!)

I thought May was bad with only 3 posts, but wow, only 1 blog post in June. That’s pretty bad. Let’s hope I do better in July!
And that’s it for June! Let me know what you’ve been up to – I really want to hear from you! Stay safe and stay kind!

Hiya. Since you’ve been listening to lots of audio books this month I have a question for you: Which do you prefer? Audio books with just narration or audio books with narration and ambient sound effects?