The Case of Miss Elliott: The Teahouse Detective is a collection of short stories. All of these are cozy mysteries written by Baroness Orczy (the author of The Scarlet Pimpernel). …
[review] Songbird by Karen Heenan [blog tour]
Songbird is a stand-alone historical fiction novel set in the court of King Henry VIII. The story revolves around a young girl, Bess, as she comes of age in a notoriously …
[review] False Value by Ben Aaronovitch
False Value is the 8th book in the fantastic Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch. In this latest instalment, Peter Grant has left the police force and gone to …
Monthly recap: February 2020
That reading slump that I went on at the end of January and the start of February was really tough. I simply had NO motivation to read anything! And while …
5 for Friday: How to get over a reading slump
How do you get over a reading slump? Last week I mentioned on Twitter that I was in a reading slump and asked how people got over their book doldrums. …
[review] Hattie Goes to Hollywood by Caroline James [blog tour]
Hattie Goes to Hollywood is a funny and engaging cozy mystery – the first in a new series by Caroline James. The book features a retired hotel manager, Hattie Mulberry, …
5 for Friday: books I’m excited for in 2020
A post about books I’m excited for in 2020 could easily get out of hand. I have A LOT of new titles on my ever-growing To-Be-Read list! But I do admit …
[review] Death on the Danube by Jennifer S. Alderson
Death on the Danube: A New Year’s Murder in Budapest is the first book in a new cozy mystery series by Jennifer S. Alderson. I love the idea of having …