I definitely started the new year with a bang! I published 5 posts in the first two weeks of January and read a whole bunch of books. Then January 12 …
[review] The Case of the Curious Client by T.G. Campbell
The Case of the Curious Client is the first book in the Bow Street Society mystery series by T.G. Campbell. This mystery series is set in the Victorian era and …
1-year blog anniversary!
IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! Oh wait, I mean IT’S MY ONE-YEAR BLOG ANNIVERSARY (it’s also my birthday but that’s not what this post is really about). When I started this blog …
5 for Friday: My book blog firsts
My book blog firsts! This Sunday marks my ONE YEAR BLOGIVERSARY (it’s also my birthday and yes, I totally did that on purpose!)!!! I can’t believe that I’ve been book …
[review] There’s a Murder Afoot by Vicki Delany
There’s a Murder Afoot is the latest book in a fun cozy mystery series by Vicki Delany. Sherlock Holmes’ birthday anniversary is on January 6, so it’s timely that this book …
2020 Reading Challenge: A to Z in Cozy Mysteries #AtoZCozy2020
I’m excited to share my 2020 Reading Challenge: A to Z in Cozy Mysteries! After having come up a bit short (LOL) at my 52 cozies in 52 weeks self-challenge …
Monthly recap: December 2019
I took it pretty easy in December – there was so much happening with the holidays that I really didn’t stress about reading, reviewing or blogging. The one thing I …
[review] The Colonel and the Bee by Patrick Canning
The Colonel and the Bee had me venturing back into a genre I rarely read, but have enjoyed in the past – steampunk (with a bit of science fiction and fantasy …