The Pint of No Return is the second book in Ellie Alexander’s Sloan Krause Mysteries. Amongst the SLEW of culinary cozies on the market, there are only a handful that …
[review] The Sherlockian by Graham Moore
The Sherlockian combines two intertwining mysteries – one set in the 1800s and one in the present day. Lately I’ve been reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes-related fiction, so I …
Monthly recap: January 2019
Welcome to my very first Monthly Recap! It hasn’t been a full month since I just launched my blog on January 12, but I have had a pretty active couple …
52 cozy mysteries in 52 weeks
You know how some people are all about Numbers and others are definitely better at Words? I like to think that I’m pretty good at both (I majored in both …
Welcome to book frolic!
Hi! My name is Stephanie and welcome to my new book blog, book frolic! I’ve been in love with books since I figured out how to read (and maybe even …