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A quick update to start the year

Hi everyone! I know it’s been kind of quiet here on the blog over the past two months.

A special apology to all the authors and readers who have contacted me, asking about the Coming Soon posts for December 2024 and January 2025 – I know I’ve missed them but I hope to resume that blog post series for February.

I don’t want to really get into the nitty-gritty details, but it’s been a tough couple of months for my family. In late November (right when I would have been planning the December Coming Soon post), but mother-in-law very suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. It was quite a shock to our family and things were a bit chaotic for a few weeks. Of course, that brought us into the busy holiday season. We tried our best to celebrate Christmas, but it was a subdued holiday for us.

Then, at the end of December, as I was finally getting things back to some kind of normalcy, and starting to plan some exciting new projects for this blog, and putting together January Coming Soon post, my father collapsed and had to be taken to the ICU where he was put on life support. Yes, our family spent the New Year in the hospital.

So, I’ve started this year dividing my time between the hospital, taking care of my mom (who needs full-time care), keeping my freelance business going, and… well, honestly, basically surviving. It’s been rough. And of course, my poor little blog falls to the bottom of my priorities list.

I know I owe lots of reviews, so I thank the authors, publishers, and publicists who I work with for their patience as I try to catch up. And yes, I hope to get a Coming Soon blog post up for February. And I had hoped to start a new author interview series, but that will have to wait. As I’ve learned recently, sometimes, things have to take a backseat because life has other plans.

Thanks for being a reader and for your continued support of my blog. I promise to be back to regularly posting soon!


  1. Laurie Alberswerth says:

    (((Hugs))) That’s soooo much, and I’m so sorry. I can sympathize and to a certain degree empathize–when the roles flip and it’s you doing the heavy lifting/caring for your parents, especially in crises? I don’t recall this being in the manual. Many encouraging vibes and prayers being sent your way.

    1. Stephanie says:

      Thank you so much Laurie. That means a lot! x

  2. So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law and father. This time of year is hard enough as it is.
    Thank you for all you do and I hope 2025 gets better.

    1. Stephanie says:

      Thank you Ann. I sure hope so! And thank you for the kind words! x

  3. J.C. Kenney says:

    Oh, I am so sorry. Sending your family hugs. Take care.❤️

    1. Stephanie says:

      Thanks so much JC. I really appreciate you. x

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